Mark Smith’s Newsletter - Saturday 19th June, 2021
TBL www NFT, Facebook VR, NodeJS next gen http, NodeJS streams, AdTech in VR, Rust in Linux Kernel, trippy high dimensional maths, WWDC, and javascript working group nerdiness
Hello and welcome to my newsletter!
Another season 2 instalment…
Another week, another newsletter, but only just. I’m low on power and low on WiFi so I’ll keep this brief.
Small selection in this edition, but I managed to find a few cool links.
What a balancing act life is, patience patience patience, and then a bit more patience.
That’s all from me this week…
I hope you enjoy the links!
As usual all the articles from the linkblog in chronological order are included below, which is also a good way to explore, there are some pieces there amongst the main summary items that didn’t make it into the main themes, but these are interesting in their own right, and often end up developing into something more substantial further down the line.
Special mentions
If you or anyone in your network is looking for web development services, consider hiring me :)
Consider becoming a sponsor to get your company featured on the linkblog and in the newsletter
Consider becoming a patreon, any support would be very much appreciated
Stuff from me
Nothing from me this week :(
Stuff from around the web
Tim Berners-Lee, who gave us the web, is selling his code as an NFT - Biding ends 30th June #
Is Facebook cornering the VR market? - “Facebook will have literally reinvented itself for a new paradigm shift in computing by the time regulation gets around to addressing it in its current state” #
Introducing Undici@4 - Has been in development fir a while now, aims to be the next generation of the NodeJS http library #
A Visual Guide to NodeJS Streams #
Oculus is getting Facebook ads in VR - Here’s what they look like #
Google backs Linux project to make Android, Chrome OS harder to hack - It’s a project to re-write parts if the kernel in Rust, could have a big impact not only in security but also on the culture which has until recently been dominated by the C programming language #
Lex Fridman Podcast Ep #190 - Jordan Ellenberg - Mathematics of High-Dimensional Shapes and Geometries - I was pretty into mathematics at school, and especially geometry, and I’ve found that recently I’ve been super interested in anything related to parallel dimensions, higher order dimensions etc, whether it’s grounded in science but also of the more esoteric kind, anyway there’s some interesting problem solving techniques discussed in this episode, it’s totally trippy in places, and it’s also tangentially related to programming and AI #
Another Podcast Podcast - Paying attention to Apple again - Benedict and Toni discuss all about what Apple is up to and what went down at WWDC #
TC39 Podcast - Interview with Tab Atkins-Bittner spec hacker for Google on the Chrome team - Not all podcasts need to be super well produced, and I like the lowfi production on these TC39 podcasts because you can easily concentrate on the in-depth javascript discussions, in this episode topics include similarities in how the different committees approach problem solving, writing specs, grid and flexbox, web components and the general componentisation of web development, shadow DOM, scoped styles, CSS modules, pattern matching and container queries #
Thanks for reading!
Mark Smith‘s Newsletter is a weekly roundup of some of the best javascript, tech and web development links published to my daily linkblog.
If you liked this newsletter you might like my blog, daily linkblog or experimental podcast :)
I’m a freelance web developer, consultant and automation engineer, consider hiring me!
Have a great weekend and a fantastic next week!